Today was the last day of school for the year, so holidays, who-hooo!!! But sadly, that means the last day of East for Kristen, our head girl. Kristen has to have been the best head girl everrrrrrrrrrrr! and I will always remember her. She is such a great role model and is soooooo orsum!!!
I first met Kristen as a lil' turd former, playing my first game of bowls (yea-ah!). She was the captain of my team and made sure to tell me that our team name was the "Bowled and the Beautiful", and that our new lingo included "Yeah-bowl". From there, along with Flo and Eve, we made an unbeatable team, stunning all the other teams with our amazingness, and winning ... maybe one game, if we were lucky??? not sure bowt that one. Kristen renamed us Kristen Bowl-ng, Flo Bowlheron, Eve yeah I don't know how to fit this in, and best of all, Sarah Bowl-less. Good times.
After that, Kristen was always real cool, she would always say hi to me in the corridors, even thou I was a lowly thurd or year 10, and I would often hear a loud "Sarah Bowl-less!" as I walzed along the corridors or graced the stage to get prestigious prizes at Prizegiving such as "Merit Equal". Yea-ah. Shot Jenny! But Kristen's orsumness was so much more than just to me. She always turned up to everything East, proudly and obsessively cheering us on, and you would constantly hear her say "Mint" or "Orsum", with that grin on her face. She was the first person who made me think, maybe I wouldn't unbotton that top botton. Kristen breathed East. Kristen exulted East. Kristen was East. But of course, the thing Kristen had to be most known for, was the ukeladies. We all loved to hear them singing and playing crazily, with, it goes without saying, Kristen's ukelele solo. An of course, the WEGCD (said with a proud manly gusto)! I am skilled enough to be on it, with Kristen celebrating even the obscurity of the song we wrote instead of brainstorming, the freakishly hardowt harmonies Nemo wrote for it, the ukeleles played to it, and the kazoo I played (funky monkeys for lyf!)
Some things Kristen has been known to say are:
" Wellington East,The Year of the Beast,Time flies,We ate some pies,Here at our home,Never alone,Our journey has started,Just as we’ve departed,’04 to ‘08,You guys are great,Lumen Accipe et Imperti,Leaving you makes my heart hurty,I’ll miss not seeing you all everyday,Good luck for the future and never forget."
"You have accipe-d the lumen and now I will imperti"
Sarah Bowl-less"
"2008 is The Year of the East Beast"
"Ties up for the boys"
"We are East and we are the Best"
"We do not wear scarves of brown, grey, pink, black and white checkers with tassels or any other shade of blue except for the mighty royal. We do not wear chucks, slippers or Air Force 1s. We do not wear bum belts. We do not wear our ties low, or our collars open with foundation all over them. We do not wear hoodies, fluffy jackets or coloured tights. What we do wear in fact, is the finest uniform in the greater Wellington City, envied by those clad in black, grey or teal. - because we are Wellington East Girls' College, and we are the best."
"Leave kb to Saint Cats"
We have something other schools are jealous of"
EAST, are you ready ready?! 2008 has shown: we most definitely are. The year has gotten off to a great start, as we embark on school life in a style that can only be described as ‘the East way’. I am truly honoured to be representing Wellington East as Head Prefect, and will do everything I can to have this be another amazing year for our school.
and much more.I can't imagine East without Kristen, like actually. Kristen has been an amazing Head Girl and will always be a part of East. Luv Ya!
Sarah Bowl-less
"Leave kb to Saint Cats" - what is this (asked suspiciously)???
Oh, just encouraging us not to hang about around kb ... i better not say any more with a Saint Cats mother on my heels! :)
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