On Sunday the 31 August 2008 (ooh, fancy date) we had the GO Concert at church. Eds (Edwin Derricutt) opened for Lucas Parry, and it was a really orsum night. It was Eds' second time performing at All Saints, the last time was the day before my birthday, the 2nd March. (Incidentally, today is my half-birthday, 6months since and till my birthday. Yes, I give you permission to give me chocolate, lol) It was great to have him back, and he's still as orsum as ever. This time even Crunch could tell that he wasn't wearing eyeliner, something she doubted very much last time; she was convinced he was. (emo). It was Lucas' first time here and he was really orsum, even if he is Auzzie and living in America.He was real funny and a good speaker. In one of his songs he got two people up to help lead 'moshing'. Snusan and this guy Philip were the lucky people, and Philip was pretty orsum. Susan was bright red though ... We helped set up beforehand, and me, Cassie and Susan were on Tickets. That was pretty exciting. Also, Esther brought along her friend Stacey, which was pretty orsum. Eds and Lucas like us. Coz we're orsum. Diana found Lucas' order of service sheet and gave it to me, so I got his autograph, and its going up on my wall next to the autographs of Eds, Huggies, some of the Pulse, the Lads, Phono, and my newest aquisition, a silver ferns. And Pictures of Mr Bean. Spe-cial. Yeah, ti was really orsum night, and I hope we can have another one soon. Thanks Ben for organising it, it was great.
Awesome!! So stoked you had a great night!! :) We had a ball being there :) You rock!!
Ummm! How did you get Lucas Parry to read your blog?!
Ur pretty special Bayla!
It was an awesome night, really wish I bought a Lucas Parry CD. He's pretty awesome and I loved all his little stories like the little boy who ended up being the fastest runner. I had an awesome time. And Ed's was coolio as well
I know!!!!! I am pretty special! I hope Lucas comes back coz he was really orsum. And Eds of course. Hmmm, now I can call Lucas Lucas Mucas without wondering whether he'll murder me in my sleep ... Nah, kidding, I wouldn't be that mean. does anyone know if we can still get his cd? i'm broke at the moment but, it could make a good christmas present ...
Hey Guys
I've got his CD at the Anglican Resource Centre for $25. Let me know if you'd like one OK and I'll put it aside for you/bring it to church
Cheers guys
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